Free Green Home Seminar & Timberpeg Home Tour Oct 11

Anyone planning to build a new energy efficient home, addition, or remodel their existing home is encouraged to attend a Free Green Home Seminar and Timberpeg® Green Open House Tour on Sunday, October 11, 2009. Here are the important details:

Free Seminar on Building a Green Home:
Best Western Sunapee Lake Lodge, Newbury, NH
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (registration starts at 8:30)

Timberpeg® Open House Tour: Lot 22, Summit Road, Sutton, NH
(green home under construction) 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

You'll have plenty of time to talk to the experts: Jeremy Bonin, AIA NCARB LEED AP, Bonin Architects & Associates, PLLC; Jay Tucker, Custom Home Builder, Old Hampshire Designs, Inc.; and Dan O'Halloran, Colby Real Estate.

Registration for the seminar is requested. Get directions, an Itinerary and register for these free green events at